Posted in My Likes and Dislikes

Tracking Your Books

I do a lot of reading, I mean A LOT of reading! But sometimes I just can’t remember how many books I’ve read in a given month. My husband asked me that not too long ago. Imagine my surprise when I realized I had absolutely no idea!

This realization sent me on a search for a workable way to track my reading. There are several ways you can do this. I plan to try 2 ways, Spreadsheet and Journal.


Here’s a link to the spreadsheet that I want to use. It seems simple enough and will even give you statistics on what you read.


This is the Journal that I am using. One of the things about it that I really like is the ability to include a picture of the cover. It links from the basic page shown in the photo below to a book review page where you can record your thoughts. It also gives you the ability to list all the books in a series. I really like that!


What about you?


Living in FL and enjoying life.

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