Posted in Book Tours

Teacher #BookTour

 These students aren’t just bad, they’re dangerous. And then there’s the principal…


by James Eric Riley

Genre: Fictional Biography

These students aren’t just bad, they’re dangerous. And then there’s the principal…

For Los Angeles teacher Eric Riley, summers off, holidays, and health benefits are all that matters. Why else get into teaching in your forties?  With a wife and two young daughters, and a mountain of debt after suffering a broken leg, teaching represents a steady paycheck and time off he’s never experienced.

Riley survives his rookie year as a teacher, only to be assigned a class with a special designation: Emotionally Disturbed. He starts the new position, after taking a mandatory training session on the latest approved methods of physical restraint – the delicate name for self-defense when dealing with violent students.

One day, a student attacks Riley – and Riley puts him down hard on the floor. The school principal orders Riley to be placed on administrative leave. During a series of preliminary hearings regarding his status, he realizes that the official version of the incident is changing. When his union and legal representatives appear to be incompetent, he secretly contacts staff members at his school. They break into an administrator’s office and uncover statements and records regarding his suspension that implicate the principal, the district, and even the teachers’ union.

From classic teaching moments to administrator run-ins to a district boardroom showdown, one teacher finds out what he’s good at.

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 James Eric Riley grew up near the rust belt town of Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania. He attended Eastern Kentucky University and graduated with a degree in Theater Arts. After years of summer stock and regional theater, he and his wife Jeneva moved to Southern California where they discovered a love of snow skiing and – for Riley – ice skating. But after breaking a leg competing in a short track speed skating event, suddenly teaching seemed like a better idea. His best years were teaching high school, where he finally put his theater background to good use teaching public speaking and writing. Now retired, he and Jeneva live in Independence, Kentucky.

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Posted in Book Tours

The Broken Circle #BookTour

In her new book series “Beyond Cedar Cove,” Cynthia Ulmer brings readers back to the Jansan family and continues the family saga as she tells a moving story about hope, resilience, and the bonds that unite a community in times of crisis.

The Broken Circle

Beyond Cedar Cove Book 2

by Cynthia Ulmer

Genre: Christian Drama Fiction

In “The Broken Circle, Beyond Cedar Cove,” Cynthia Ulmer tells a moving story about hope, resilience, and the bonds that unite a community in times of crisis.

In this second part of the series, we find the tranquil town of Cedar Cove on the brink of chaos; the local Baptist Church, a cornerstone of the community, is thrown into turmoil when its pastor, Joe Marley, crashes his car into the Jansans’ feed store. James Jansan, the respectable head deacon, must find a substitute preacher to take over while the community grapples with various issues that threaten to unravel its tight-knit fabric.

Meg Kerwood, known for her abusive and neglectful behavior toward her six-year-old daughter, wants to have a baby boy. She believes that unwavering faith and divine intervention will answer her prayers. But her journey toward motherhood takes an unexpected turn, leading her down a path of heartache and turmoil. Adding to the chaos, someone from Grandma Cal’s past resurfaces, bringing secrets and complications that test the town’s unity.

As the truth comes to light, Meg’s life takes a frightening turn, leaving her shattered and on the brink of disaster. Will Cedar Cove find the strength to overcome the challenges that threaten to tear them apart, or will they succumb to the weight of their secrets?

In this captivating novel, join us on a breathtaking journey filled with compassion, redemption, and the power of faith.

**Only .99cents!**

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Underneath the Honeysuckle Vine

Beyond Cedar Cove Book 1

It began underneath the honeysuckle vine. Meg Evans came from a privileged background. She thought she was better than most around her. She had beauty, money, and prestige. She lived in a fantasy world, ignoring the mistakes she made. When it all crashed and crumbled, she blamed her illegitimate daughter Carin for her misfortune. What will happen as she lies, cheats, and steals to return to the life she believes she deserves? Will her daughter Carin survive the abuse? Will Meg change? Will a return visit to the honeysuckle vine help?

**Only .99cents!**

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Award medal recipient and acclaimed writer Cynthia Ulmer was born in Newport News, Virginia, and raised in Leland, North Carolina. Her wholesome ‘Southern Family Fictional’ book series, The Cedar Cove Chronicles, is an award-winning series of books.

It is a Christian-themed realistic drama series that follows the Jansan family and their friends and neighbors in the fictional community of Cedar Cove, North Carolina, during the 1940s and 1950s. Books one and four of “The Cedar Cove Chronicles” have won medals from the ‘Wishing Shelf Indie Book Awards’ and several have received several 5-star book reviews from Readers Favorite.

Now ready to bring readers to the present, she has released a new book series called Beyond Cedar Cove. Book one, Underneath The Honeysuckle Vine, was released in 2021, and book two, Broken Circle, is set to release soon. Her titles are available on Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and many other online bookstores and literary publications.

Cynthia shares, “Some people grapple with their life’s purpose, while others are born knowing it. At an early age, I knew I would be a writer–as the narratives were always alive in my mind.” The author’s characters are so rich and relatable that readers will feel an intimate connection with them and eagerly anticipate the next chapter in their lives. The author hopes her books resonate with readers, stirring their hearts and inspiring them to foster deeper faith-filled connections with the Lord.

When Cynthia isn’t writing, she finds joy in cooking, crocheting, immersing herself in music, and delving into the works of her favorite authors, Catherine Hyde Ryan, Lucinda Berry, and Wiley Cash. Above all, she treasures the time spent with her extensive family, particularly her grandchildren. Cynthia and her husband continue to call North Carolina home.

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Posted in Book Tours

The Devil’s Spies #BookTour

The devil has eyes and ears everywhere!

The Devil’s Spies

by K.C. Sivils

Genre: Historical Fiction

Needing to stop the flood of humanity fleeing communist oppression by making it to the divided city of Berlin, the communist government of East Germany took drastic measures. In August of 1961, construction of the Berlin Wall began.

Two young lovers, an American refugee worker, and an East German seminary student, find themselves separated by the wall. Desperate to be reunited and build a life together, Angela Wettin and Michael Dieterich, with Michael’s brother Joseph, set in motion a dangerous plan to escape by tunneling under the Berlin Wall.

Determined to stop any hope of gaining freedom, the East German Stasi, the dreaded secret police of the communist state, formed Department XX/4 to infiltrate and spy on the Church in East Germany.

Faced with betrayal, dangerous cave-ins, and family conflict, the trio enters a life-and-death race against the Stasi and Department XX/4.

Can they gain their freedom before they are caught by the Devil’s Spies from the Stasi?

**On Sale for Only .99cents 5/12 – 5/18!**

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U.S.A. Today and Amazon Best-Selling author is the creator of the scifi crime noir series of Inspector Thomas Sullivan novels as well as the southern noir series of stories centering around the private investigator James Benoit “Heat” Heatley.

A longtime fan of crime noir and science fiction, director Ridley Scott’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s sci-fi classic Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep into the masterful Harrison Ford vehicle Bladerunner encouraged Sivils to consume as much of both genres as possible in his younger years.

A fan of past noir masters such as Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, Sivils also enjoys the current generation of storytellers like Sandra Woffington, Tom Folwer, Jeff Edwards, Renee Pawlish, and James Scott Bell.

In addition to his aforementioned series, Sivils is also the creator of the Agent Nelson Paine Historical Mystery series set during WW II and the early years of the Cold War.

In a previous life, Sivils was a varsity basketball coach and high school history teacher. He and his wife, Lisa, have three adult children, seven grandchildren, and two four legged furry children who still live at home, Bella and Mr. Darcy.

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ebook of The Devil’s Spies,

ebook of The Price of a Lie,

ebook of Murder on the Harz Mountain Railway

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Posted in #BookBub

70 Books and Novels That Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime

So many books, so little time! If you’re looking for a master list of the best books everyone should read in their lifetime, this is a great place to start. Featuring iconic classics, timeless bestsellers, and life-changing nonfiction, these are books that will stay with you for your entire life. Take a look at our recommendations for the best books to read — you might even find a new forever-favorite!
