Posted in Book Tours

The Maker of Worlds #BookBlitz

The Maker of Worlds
David Litwack
Publication date: May 22nd 2024
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Young Adult

If you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?

When tragedy strikes Lucas Mack’s young life, he desperately yearns to escape its sorrow, and takes an improbable leap through the mythical maelstrom. Rather than splashing down on the far side like his neighbors, he’s transported to a magical realm where he has the power to redefine not only who he is, but the world in which he resides.

As he stumbles about trying to find his way, he meets Mia, an equally troubled fellow pilgrim. With the help of a mystical guide and an aging wizard, they navigate the enchanted land while learning to control their newfound powers. Yet this realm is more complex than they expected, with seasoned sorcerers who’ve been corrupted by the sinister side of magic.

Limited by natural law and seduced by magic’s power, they are tested as never before. Will the gift of magic bring renewed hope or drive them to the edge of the void?

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In the light of pre-dawn, and in my half-awake state, no difference struck me at first, other than the chill waters deeper than expected, soaking the rolls of my trousers. Out of the mist on either side, giant evergreens loomed graceful as usual, rising until their tops blurred. The view so distracted me that several heartbeats passed before I realized the change.

Perhaps I was still sleeping in my bed, for where the channel to the west lake should have been, a broad flood plain spread. The water had washed over the banks and crept inland for a hundred paces, leaving the trees the only witness to what once had been dry land.

Beyond the trees, nothing.

Nowhere a dock or a mooring, not so much as a hint of early morning smoke rising from a chimney. Nowhere the cottages of Queen’s Hill. Nowhere houses at all. As I gaped, the edges of branches shimmered as if undecided whether to remain intangible or become real. In a panic, I realized the folly of this quest. Better to return to a safer, albeit gloomier life, to go back through the portal at once.

Behind me, the maelstrom still swirled, a fleeting comfort as it had started to recede. While I stared at the last link to my old world, the orb diminished, shrunk to a size I could cover with my hand, and then to that of the tip of my thumb. Before I sloshed more than two steps closer, it winked out.

Now, to the north and the south, nothing showed but water. I stumbled to shore, my movements causing the slightest wake in the surface, which lay so still I could make out my astonished features in the reflection.

I’d spent much of my young life with Addy, like a mate sailing across a forever lake. She’d been with me through calm and storm. I’d yearned to find renewed hope on this side of the gateway and return home to a new life, yet now the gateway, like Addy, had vanished.

Author Bio:

The urge to write first struck at age sixteen when working on a newsletter at a youth encampment in the woods of northern Maine. It may have been the wild night when lightning flashed at sunset followed by the northern lights rippling after dark. Or maybe it was the newsletter’s editor, a girl with eyes the color of the ocean. But he was inspired to write about the blurry line between reality and the fantastic.

Using two fingers and lots of white-out, he religiously typed five pages a day throughout college and well into his twenties. Then life intervened. He paused to raise two sons and pursue a career, in the process — and without prior plan — becoming a well-known entrepreneur in the software industry, founding several successful companies. When he found time again to daydream, the urge to write returned.

David now lives in the Great Northwest. He no longer limits himself to five pages a day and is thankful every keystroke for the invention of the word processor.

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Posted in Cover Reveals

Illusion of Stars #CoverReveal

Illusion of Stars
Sarah Marie Page
Publication date: July 16th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Romance

She’s stealing more than secrets.

As the royal physician of a tiny, windswept island, Isabel spends her days trying to keep the queen from dying and the mad king from streaking naked down the halls. But when her best friend is found murdered on the beaches, her world is ripped apart. Desperate for answers, she discovers a stash of letters that reveal a terrifying truth: the neighboring kingdom of Volgaard possesses a kingdom-shattering weapon and is poised to conquer everything in its path.

Seeking vengeance, Isabel infiltrates the enemy. Her mission? Woo Erik Lothgarson, the general’s steamy, illusion-magic wielding son, and steal the dangerous weapon. She can bring Volgaard to its knees—if she isn’t caught.

But as Isabel dances along the knife edge of deception, the lines between truth and fiction blur, and she must wrestle her quest for vengeance against her undeniable attraction to the enemy.

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Author Bio:

I’m Sarah, an award-winning author who writes fluffy fantasy. I live in Phoenix, Arizona with my equally fluffy cat (starting to see a pattern here?) And fine, I have a husband too.

He’s not fluffy.

My debut novel, ILLUSION OF STARS, comes out July 2024. I’m currently working on the (untitled) ILLUSION OF STARS sequel and SERPENT GREEN, VENOM BLUE. I also have a witchy manuscript that lives in a trunk under the bed.

We don’t talk about that.

My work has been featured in Y Magazine, The Advocate, The Crow’s Quill, and Hippocampus Magazine (among others) and I’ve been a guest on a ton of podcasts like The Outspoken Artist, Bookish Flights, Books are Magical and the Author’s Alcove.

If I got some pity laughs out of you, I suggest signing up for my newsletter where I will make you pity laugh some more.

I’m also a frequent flier on Instagram, so if you still can’t get enough of me, you can also follow me there.

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Posted in Book Tours

The Decendants Series #BookTour

Fail the tests and become a slave. Display defectiveness and be put to death.

The Unbroken

The Descendants Series Book 3

by Destiny Hawkins

Genre: New Adult Dark Dystopian Fantasy, SciFi

They said that the Monroe Academy Bootcamp Program was meant to break its trainees.

With one last attempt at proving her worth, she was counting on the worst.

The Bootcamp Program at Monroe Academy was Rayah’s last and only hope. Within just a few short months, she would have to display her abilities in front of the council and prove her strength. If she passed, she’d level up, but if she failed, then everything would have been for nothing.

The pain, the suffering, the training, the loneliness…the sacrifices…

Rayah was determined to make it all count, and now that she was able to manifest her light, it was time to take things to the next level.

The rookie vex signed up to take part in one of the most advanced training programs that the academy provided.

She knew that in breaking, it would be her last chance to unlock the mental barriers that blocked the path to her energy.

And she was willing to endure anything to make that happen.

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the third installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised

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The Calling

The Descendants Book 2

She was given a second chance to prove that she could manifest her powers.
She had no idea she’d have to hide them.

Ever since Rayah could remember, she had always been different from everyone else. Not only was she the prized daughter of the greatest collectors known to history, but she was also branded a null.

To the students of Monroe Academy, Rayah was a privileged failure. A lightless lighter. A worthless Lytonian. And if it weren’t for her parents, they would have been calling her a slave years ago.

In only a few months, Rayah had to present her abilities to the council and prove to them that she was worthy of walking the halls of the academy, but Major Artemis St. James, her tormentor and superior officer, would stop at nothing to keep her from excelling.

Failing the leveling meant becoming the property of the man who taught her the very meaning of pain.

It would have also made her mother’s sacrifice for nothing.

With the test date closing in, Rayah learned that she was able to use her powers at an elite level, but even though that meant she had power, it made her chances of leveling impossible. There was no way that she’d be able to prove her worthiness now.

The standard colors of a Lytonians powers are white, royal blue, and turquoise blue.

Rayah’s were black…

And she could only use them in the dark.

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the second installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised.

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The Descendants

The Descendants Series Book 1

Fail the tests and become a slave. Display defectiveness and be put to death.

Monroe Academy was built to separate the weak from the strong.
*Pass the biyearly leveling and be released into society upon graduation.
*Fail to be promoted and be placed into servitude.

Branded as the academy null, these were the laws that applied to all but Rayah Bardeau. The Lighter with no light.

After Rayah’s mother made a devastating sacrifice, Rayah was given six years to make her required level. Now, with only a few months left to prove herself, she was still the same level she’s been since she was ten years old.

A level one.

Overwhelmed by the upcoming test, consumed by guilt, and wary of academy bullies, Rayah could only dream of escaping her world.

…And one night, her dream had come true…

Only, when Rayah reawakened in her dorm, she couldn’t distinguish if she had only dreamed of the defect from the wild-lands, or if she had somehow used her Lighter Form to jump there, and everything she experienced was real.

But only the elite ― the most powerful of Lighters ― could manifest their Lighter Forms. Right?

And what was the dark energy that lurked just beneath the surface? Would Rayah be able to soon claim the title of a lighter, or would she discover that she was something else entirely?

Bestselling author Destiny Hawkins brings you the first installment of a gripping dark fantasy where a powerless girl must survive in a society that doesn’t accept the weak…or the defective.

Content Advisory: The following book contains vivid depictions of violence and death. Reader discretion is advised.

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Destiny Hawkins is a multi-genre author with a dark imagination and a love for magic.

She enjoys exploring the freedom of life, writing, listening to music, reading, and of course watching some anime! Her favorite genres to read and work in are Fantasy, LGBT, Paranormal, Romance, Dystopian, Sci-fi, and Young Adult.

Destiny loves creating stories and building worlds that both teach and entertain! When writing, she sticks to her slogan: Where beauty can be found in darkness.

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Posted in Book Tours

Hot and Cold #BookTour

In the game of love, who will melt first?

Hot and Cold

A Lesson in Love Novella

by Tara September

Genre: New Adult Sports Hockey Romance

In the game of love, who will melt first?

No one seems to comprehend the pressures of playing for an NCAA college hockey team and being in the pre-med program. With the NHL draft and graduation looming, I can’t handle any distractions in my life. Discipline and focus are my two best friends.

The absolute last thing I need my senior year is to be roped into some campus social media project with a sexy junior who changes majors more times than she does clothes. Yet here I am, posing for a calendar I had no intention of participating in, attending parties, and making out, among other things, in public. And yeah, if I’m smiling the whole way, it must be because I’ve finally cracked. That’s the only explanation why I’ve let Jax sashay her way into my every thought. Puck me!

My world has been irrevocably turned upside down once already, and I won’t let it happen again—even if it means becoming the “Ice Man” that everyone calls me.

It might have taken me three years to decide on a major, but I’ve got it all figured out now, and I’m going to win a coveted communications internship too. I just need the grumpy hockey captain to relax a bit and help me help his team. So what if I know diddly about the game and that he won’t even let me past the front door? I’ve got this! And if I’m shivering at his touch, it’s because he’s so cold, not because he makes me hot.

Nope, despite the rumors circulating on campus, we’re only spending every waking minute together because of my assignment, that’s all. Although, maybe we’re dating? I don’t know, but I plan to find out! Because it’s starting to feel real, especially his kisses. Yup, I’m totally pucked!

**NEW RELEASE – Get it Now!**

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series! **

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Bestselling, multi-award-winning romance author of steamy & sassy Contemporary and New Adult stories that will leave you “grinning like a Cheshire Cat.” Residing in NYC and Southwest Florida, Tara holds a master’s degree in journalism from New York University and is the proud mom to twin boys and four writing distractions, I mean cats.

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