Posted in #allrecipes

PSA: This Common Ingredient Can Ruin Your Countertops

Natural stone countertops such as quartz, granite, and marble elevate a kitchen or bathroom appearance. They’re beautiful and have the advantage of being super easy to clean. They’re also incredibly durable. With proper care, they can last decades. And while they’re difficult to stain, it’s definitely not impossible.

When they do need a cleaning, there’s something you should be aware of. One magical, natural cleaning ingredient many of us use on a variety of surfaces in our homes is actually one that should never be used on natural stone countertops or other natural stone surfaces—lemon.



Living in FL and enjoying life.

One thought on “PSA: This Common Ingredient Can Ruin Your Countertops

  1. Mild soap and water – rinse well with hot water. If “staining” (discoloration) occurs, its a sign that the countertops need to be sealed – and should be done soon as they’re installed. Sealing the stone is something any homeowner can do. Sealant can be found at any Home Depot or Lowes.

    Shower surround tile is another easy clean – distilled vinegar – cuts through any soap scum.


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